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Digital Engagement
& Growth Meisters

Annual Revenue Generated

Our story

Founded in 2019, Z21 has managed to grow to a team of 35 within 4 years of its inception. The rapid growth of the company is very much attributed to the nature of our service - delivering TRUE growth to businesses, which we believe is your priority too.

Now, if you have spoken to enough marketing agencies around, you would have noticed that many of their services are project-based, short term engagements that focus on branding. Few focus on the sales growth of e-commerce brands.

Z21 is specialized to help you achieve this goal, by providing practical suggestions based on industry best practices to assist you in capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges in the digital space.

Trust us, we totally understand the struggles of growing a brand alone in this constantly evolving digital space. We believe that brand owners like you shouldn’t be spending late nights trying to keep up with the ever-changing Facebook and Google algorithms. Instead, the time can be well spent on delivering better experiences to your valued customers. 

Moving forward, we aim to expand our expertise and presence through 3 key priorities:
1. Exploring wider range of industry segments,
2. Expanding our presence geographically,
3. Advancing the scope of services provided 

To achieve our goal, our day-to-day mission is largely focused on building a realistic growth strategy around your business goals and slowly making it a reality. After all, our success depends on your success.

Our Core Values


Our success depends on client's success- Internal KPI built upon client's successes


Kaizen (continuous improvement) working culture- we constantly challenge ourselves to do better each day, and never allow achievements to plateau by sticking to what has worked well in the past


Committed and accountable - highly proactive attitude with full accountability to our daily tasks

Our Take on the 4Ps

We remain committed to our valued partners in delivering win-win with sustainable growth while elevating brands and enterprises across the board, small to medium or large.

Let Us Help You Grow Your Business.

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