Inspired by Peter Thiel’s book “Zero to One”, I founded a performancemarketing agency in October 2019 and named the company after thebook, “Z21 Studio”. When working at a direct to consumer brand, Ipartnered with multiple agencies on different areas of the business -media buying, design, web development, etc. There is one common problem - most lacked e-commerce specialization and expertise. As a firm believer of being *hyper-focused*, I did not want to build a company thatprovides all services to all companies.The day-one mission was to dominate a small niche - to be the bestperforming and known Facebook ad growth agency for fashion ecommerce brands. This strategy worked really well, acquiring a number ofbig fashion brands based in Malaysia within the first 9 months, includingBonia, Braun Buffel, Oxwhite, and SPAO.
Still a one-man agency in March 2020, the first person I decided to hirewas a web developer. Since I took great care of the “Traffic” pillar throughpaid advertising, I wanted to build inhouse capability to design anddevelop e-commerce stores with great conversion rates. That was the startof our relationship with Shopify, as one of the first Shopify Partners in theregion. Fast forward to the end of 2020, the company grew to 5 people - 3in performance marketing, 1 in web development, and 1 in emailmarketing. Though not clearly defined at the time, these 3 pillars servedstrong synergies as ‘Traffic’, ‘Conversion’, and ‘Retention’ are the mostimportant levers to grow any brands digitally. Today, built on these 3pillars, we have grown to become a highly capable e-commerce growthagency.
In 2021, Jonas joined Z21 as a partner. We were both allergic to thetraditional churn-and-burn model of building an agency, we still are. Webelieved in building long-term client relationships that has allowed us tofocus on deepening in our capabilities, rather than worry about acquiringnew clients all the time. There is only 1 person in charge of sales in Z21 atthe end of 2024, out of a total head count of 32. This ratio is unusually lowin the agency industry.We turned 5 recently. The first few years of building Z21 have beenincredibly rewarding — seeing some young graduates who started theircareer with us and grew so quickly in hard and soft skills, seeing brandswith shared values who have not just grown with us but made sure wegrow as well, and me personally learning how to lead a company. We havemade much progress compared to day one - but in this fast-movingindustry we remind ourselves constantly that the moment we getcomplacent is when we lose relevance.Jonas and I share a goal that cascades to the team - to do great work forgreat clients, with great people. How will you be involved in our journey?