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Z21 as an ecommerce growth partner: An Oxwhite Story

July 24, 2022

Oxwhite started in 2018, building its ecommerce store on Shopify from day one, with a big yet humble dream of creating high quality apparel at a price that everyone can afford. The team started with only 1 product, to more than 100 products now, Shopify has been able to support Oxwhite’s rapid growth and needs along the way. It is a platform suitable not just for rapidly growing ecommerce brands, but also startups and enterprises.

During mega campaigns such as the Annual Birthday which is the main highlight of the e-commerce calendar year, Oxwhite would double down on their advertising efforts to achieve the expected sales target. This can be achieved by not only through strategic media planning on segregating ad content catering to different user funnels via Meta Ads Manager, but also strongly credited to Shopify’s trusted support on providing perfect syncing between these two platforms on the product catalogue. This made Oxwhite easily able to scale up the winning product catalogue campaign as the product sync creates an accurate algorithm showcasing products a particular user has high interest in.

We have seen Oxwhite receiving almost 4,000 orders in a single campaign day without crashing nor running into inventory management issues – both rather common issues during high traffic periods, causing not just lost sales, but also damaging brand reputation. This is thanks to the robust servers that Shopify provides.

Over the years, our consumers’ reliance on mobile devices has also grown, we are looking at about 80% of the visitors of a typical ecommerce site are on their mobile devices. We cannot stress enough how important a mobile optimised interface is to your ecommerce brand today. Things as simple as the size of the fonts, buttons and banners can be low hanging fruits to improve the buying journey/experience and ultimately the conversion rate.

Some winning CRO tests that has helped Oxwhite to grow: 

  1. Introducing multiple features to enhance social proofing and increase urgency to purchase
  • One common struggle that we face all the time is to increase the purchasing intent of customers while browsing the site. Mini changes like adding interactive pop-ups of recent purchases, or highlighting the limited stock availability is proven to help boost conversion rate on your website.
  1. Adding a slot card (mini banner) on collection pages
  • To encourage users to spend more time on site, we have implemented a slot card which introduces hot-selling collections after users browse through a few products to cross-sell and increase traffic for other product categories
  1. Announcement bar 
  • Announcement bar takes up less than 10% of your screen, but doing it right makes an impact on your conversion rate as well. Little things like the colour and messaging of your announcement bar can be effective to reduce the bounce rate of users aka the odds of people leaving the site within a short amount of time. 

To cope with the ever-changing ecommerce industry and customer behaviour trends, continuous testing and adaptation is the key to stay ahead of your competitors and grow! 

Fun Fact: Our founder Daryl is one of the founding members of the Oxwhite team. Fast forward to 4 years later, Oxwhite and Z21 continue to work closely for the brand’s e-commerce growth. We are honoured to have witnessed all the milestones as well as challenges along the way of its success today. 

Ads and email strategies we used to help Oxwhite grow:

1. Ads Strategy Overview 

We split products by Hero categories and genders. 70% of the budget was focused on Hero Products that had unique product USPs, to drive new customer acquisition. We spend the remaining 30% either for campaign periods, or to cross-sell products to our existing customers. However, our ability to scale their ads usually depended on stock availability - fashion brands often have difficulty forecasting the sales of their products based on colours and sizes. 

2. Ad Content 

Oxwhite’s creative team has a huge capacity for churning out content such as static images, videos, and GIFs. We have maximised this advantage by constantly testing different ad formats on different placements, optimising these content towards specific user funnels and conversion goals. Overall, with such volume, we did not often run into ad fatigue problems, which happens when the same visuals are overused repeatedly.

3. Email 

We use Klaviyo as the main email marketing tool for all of our e-commerce clients. The email strategy strongly focuses on two areas - Automation and Campaign. The low hanging fruit (low effort, high reward) is usually from automated emails, which include Abandoned Cart Recovery and Retention to promote cart completions and repeat purchases. On the other hand, email Campaign blasting for seasonal promotions such as new product launches also helped bring in additional revenue.

Since we started partnering with Z21 back in 2019, our growth has always been on a positive trend. We have been through multiple mega sale days together and Z21 never fails to prove their value by delivering insights, learnings and suggestions to move forward each time. As a performance marketing agency, they understand their data very well, hence they are always quick to identify & respond to market trend changes. Because of the constant feedback on the latest industry trend and know-how, it has enabled Oxwhite to be at the top of our game especially as a start-up and direct-to-consumer brand here in Malaysia. This working relationship has proven to be the best relationship so far and Z21 has always been there with us every step of the way.
- CK Chang, Founder of Oxwhite

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