November 15, 2022
“What’s missing?” If you’re staring at your marketing costs, wondering why your visitors aren’t converting, conversion rate optimization may be the missing puzzle piece.
Consumers are smart these days. They jump in and out of your website, then into your competitors’, taking notes to make informed decisions. It's too easy to lose a potential customer. Simply put, it's not enough to just have a good ad to bring users onto your website. Your users’ experience and journey in your website are equally as important.
CRO bridges the gap between just visitors and paying customers
When done right, A/B testing and personalization will be able to convert more of your users into taking action. They help you understand your users better, allowing informed changes to be made on your website. More often than not, brands change something on their website in an effort to improve conversion rates, then measure the results before and after. If this sounds familiar to you, you should watch the full video to understand why that is a wrong practice.
CRO could be just what you need to capture a larger market share as you stay ahead of your competitors. It can be an additional button, a change of a keyword on the CTA button, or just a simple adjustment of user mobile personalization, but it is impactful. The key to having such success is to do it right. By taking a good look and understanding what you can do next for your website and your potential customers, you can take your business to the next level. If you ever find yourself wondering how big of an impact CRO makes, it’s time for you to see and hear it from our successful clients.
In the video, we have shown case studies from brands like Oxwhite, Machines, BloomThis, and more. If you like what you watched, contact us below to discover how Z21 can fuel your e-commerce growth.
Book a 30-minute discovery call with us.